Monday, November 17, 2008

Obama's TV Interview

Saw Obama's TV interview on Sixty Minutes and was personally blown away by how calm, how relaxed, he seemed. I was joking that he must be on something. But, no, it's his style, and I find it reassuring, but, even more than that, I find it to be exactly what's called for in these upsetting, traumatizing, chaotic times. The guy sounds and acts normal, without the usual politicians' sloganeering and over-blown calls to emotionally tug at our heart-strings. He isn't trying to be relaxed; he is relaxed.

I guess my feeling is that Obama will attempt to assemble (I hate to use the words because that turned out to be such a disaster) the "best and the brightest" of the people out there. And, if they can't begin to right this ship that has been so thoroughly wrecked by Bush / Cheney & Co., then perhaps nobody can. Obama's refreshingly candid, relaxed yet disciplined attitude will trickle down to thoese chosen to work in his Administration, and we can all, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, Right- and Left-Wingers, hope for the best because that's what we have going for us.

Remember, Obama's reaching out to McCain, meeting with him, to talk about working together. No sniping or back-biting, just a joint mutual private conversation about how they can cooperate. Who can fault that at this early stage of the game? (I exempt the Right Wing Nuts like Limbaugh from this remark, and leave them to flounder and excorate anything that sounds like bi-partisanship.)

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