Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why Obama is qualified

Although it may be difficult for you, as a Republican or Conservative (yes, I'm talking to those who would denigrate Obama), if you would listen to the very factual and careful interview segment dealing with Afghanistan on the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC that she had with Senator Obama, and compare it with anything Senator McCain has said about that conflict, you would understand that Obama fully understands the nuances of the very bad situation and has a clear vision of what needs to be done to fix it. In calm, clear language he lays out how bad it is and what he would do about it. I hasten to add that this isn't posturing for the interview or for votes; it isn't slogans or politicking; it would win the respect, and probably does win the respect, of the military. Petreus would no doubt agree with it and probably will implement it if Obama wins the election. I urge you to listen to that segment and then re-think your position on this subject. No histrionics, no easy solutions, no vote-getting here, nothing but the laying out what we must do if we aren't to be engulfed. [The video can be found at]

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