Sunday, November 9, 2008

Excuses, excuses from the aggrieved

Most of the reading I've been doing of Republican and Conservative blogs and articles seem pretty lame. There seems to be a lot of denial out there at this point, plus much finger-pointing and blame, and the professionals, like Limbaugh, are training their sights on predicting how bad it's going to be under Obama and a Democratic majority. All this would be pretty laughable, except for the fact that Palin, and I'm not overlooking McCain's participation, gave encouragement to some pretty ugly hostility that could begin to break out, like a wildfire, into some even more uglier actions on the part of those individuals who feel powerless now and look at violence as a solution. I do not like Limbaugh for that reason; he sometimes plays with fire; when you listen to him he sounds aggrieved as well as angry (that's his dirty little secret).

What I would like to hear is some clear analysis, and see some harsh light cast upon what really did occur, so that Republicans and Conservatives can sort it all out. To act otherwise is to be childish and downright stupid. In any sport, like football, for instance, if you don't understand why you lost and what you can do about it next time, you haven't got a chance to win again. Such an analysis requires putting aside the hurt and ego, stepping away from the propaganda and lies commonly used in a campaign, being unemotional about what really occurred. I urge those who can do this to do so. All the rest is scapegoating and/or grousing.

I once worked for a very smart guy who used to say, "It's time to follow, lead or get out of the way." If you love this country, there are too many important things to be done to play the blame-game, grouse or predict dire consequences.

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